First things first, whether you are just around for a little bit, are interested in finding somewhere to base yourself or are just keen in dropping in to find out what church is like - you are welcome at The Rock. This page will hopefully answer some of the questions you may have but if there is other information you would like please get in touch.
There are many different doors into a church community. For some it will be turning up at a Sunday service, for others it is easier to connect with a smaller midweek group first, and for others it is easier to meet someone for a coffee and a chat. Whichever door is the right one for you we want to make sure the door is open and we're ready to welcome you in!
The vast majority of people connect with us through our Sunday mornings together. Coming into a new group of people is always a bit nerve-racking, especially when you're not quite sure what to expect. So we've answered some of the questions that people have when they are coming to join us.
What time should I turn up?
For our church services most people turn up just before 10:30. We don't always manage to start bang on 10:30 but we will start shortly after that. There are people around from 9:30 normally so if you want to arrive a bit earlier that's not a problem. Someone will probably come say hello to you if you are early.
What should I wear?
We're really informal, so wear whatever you would normally wear. You'll come across folk in jeans, dresses, suits, trackies, shorts, t-shirts, shirts, biker leathers and tweed jackets. Whatever you feel comfortable in is ok with us.