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The player on this page will let you hear some of our recent sermons.  Click on the sermon you would like to listen to.  You can search for particular speakers, dates or subjects using the search facility at the bottom of the player.
You may notice that some dates are missing.  We recognise that not everyone learns the same way.  Therefore we don't always have a 'traditional' sermon for our teaching.  This means that sometimes we are either not able to record things properly or they simply don't translate to being put up here. There are also times we just don't record things properly or forget to record at all. Sorry about that!


Sermon series available on player:


In Exile: Lessons from Exodus: Feb 2016-

In Exile: 1 Peter: Oct 2015-Jan 2016

This is My Jesus: July 2015-Aug 2015

Who do You Say He Is?: Sept 2014-Sept 2015

Church Weekend Away: A Worshipping People: Sept 2014

This is a Kingdom of...: Mar 2014-June 2014

Galatians: Sept 2013-Mar 2014

Desert Island Verses: July 2013-Aug 2013

Hosea: A Love Story: Apr 2013-June 2013



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