Kid’s Life Ministry Thailand send their love and greetings from Kid’s Life Children’s Home.
May 2013
Basket making… In early May several of our older girls along with some staff had the opportunity to learn a new skill…the art of basket making! Taught by a team from the local OTOP Centre (an entrepreneurship stimulus program designed by the Thai government to support locally made products), the girls had fun as they turned hundreds of metres of coloured plastic into bags of all sizes. Both beautiful and strong, the bags can be sold locally and to visitors and we hope to enjoy the profits of this new venture in the near future!
As always our love and thanks to you our partners in this work, Kid’s Life Ministry x x
Jonney, who has been with us for 12 years, has now turned 18 and finished Grade 12. He has spent the last three months in Bangkok living with his Aunt whilst training in the art of Thai Massage. We are pleased to say Jonney has excelled in this and is now looking to start his own business in our local area! We are very proud of all that he has achieved!
Prayer Points…
Computer training
During May we welcomed three visitors from the UK to Kid’s Life. Jason & Wilma Stoker joined us for 5 days as part of a journey of discovery across Asia. This brave pair have left behind their homes, jobs and families to spend 6 months seeking God for His will for their lives. Whilst they were here they taught English with games and activities, shared testimony and joined us on a trip to the water hole where they swam and played with the children. Becky Murphy joined us for just over a week and stayed in the Baan Mai where she soon made friends with our little girls. She helped with everyday tasks such as ironing and cleaning and also organised two activities with all of our younger children…sock puppets and facemasks…with craft items brought from home. Becky is currently training to be a primary school teacher. We are thankful to God that He continues to send us visitors from all over the world who bless us and the children and we pray that these three will in turn know His blessing and favour on their lives.
• For God’s grace as we seek to plant the seed of His Word in our children’s hearts knowing that the Holy Spirit can cause it to grow over the coming years. • For all the children back at school, college or University that they will prosper in their studies. • For the rain to come so that we have water to begin cultivating the rice fields ready for planting. • For Jay & Krudaa, for wisdom, strength and peace as they lead this ministry. • For our staff and volunteers, for continued health and strength for the work here.
Above: Teaching English through fun and games, with Jason & Wilma. Below: Becky helps the children make spectacular facemasks.
Four of our Morning Star students Ming, Pink, Meena and Giew were able to take a course in computers this month at a church in Fang. The course ran over three days and focused on learning how to make the most of publishing software. All four girls say they thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt many things which will be useful to them in the