Syria: A Poem
One of the Rock Community Church groups is the art house group also known as Rock Salt Collective . We meet on a fornightly basis and explore faith through various creative media including art, photography and poetry, to name a few. One of our recent exercises was to pick a word from 1Peter1, 3-5 and use a word link process. I chose the word shielded. As soon as i completed mine the people of Syria and that war torn country came to mind. Like so many others the situation had affected me deeply and a feeling of helplessness was overwhelming. This was my inspiration.
Our eyes bombarded by the horrors of war and
soldiers of destruction.
Our tears for those we see in pain that never
seem to dry.
The wanderings of those in the arid, barren deserts
where no oasis of calm can be found.
Oh God!
My God, my Father, the protector of my soul,
bring life to the lifeless and
hope to the hopeless.
Birth a spirit of peace among all men.
Innocence restored that each child
may play and laugh again.
Oh God!
Your Son , the light of the world, revealed as
Saviour when the curtain was torn in two.
Illuminate this dark place with your love and peace.
Creator God, sew and mend these broken hearts
and bring beauty instead of ashes.
Oh God!
Our fears, despair and pain kept in a box
only you have the key to unlock.
Set them free and show them the way, the truth and the life.
To bring new birth, to break out of the cocoon and
fly free as the butterfly.
Sheilded and safe in your hands.
Oh God!
This blog post was brought to you by....Karen Ross
I am definitely not what you would call a creative type and have always hoped that one day i would wake up and i be able to paint, sew or knit . Well that never happened. However i have always loved the arts . A very dear friend inspired and encouraged me, and the whole group, to dig a bit deeper and realise that we are all creative.