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so...what's this all about?

You've found your way here somehow.  Probably with a sense of intrigue or interest in what this Oikos Coffee thing is all about.  On the rest of this page you'll find some bits and pieces which will be helpful in explaining everything.  However, here are a few initial thoughts which lie at the heart of Oikos Coffee.

As we read the stories of Jesus in the Bible we see a man who cares for the most vulnerable around Him.  We also see, as He is teaching others, a call to learn from the way He lived; to have compassion for those on the edges and a desire for justice for the oppressed.  Over the four books of the Bible (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)  which chronicle Jesus' life, we see this heart for the poor and the excluded coming out over and over again.

In a lot of ways this isn't that surprising.  Jesus was a Jewish man, steeped in the traditions of the Hebrew people.  Part of His heritage was the care of the outsiders and the importance of justice.  Perhaps this is best summed up in the simple but challenging words of an Old Testament prophet, a man called Micah,“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness?”  Jesus, as he sets out on the journey which leads Him to the cross, starts by addressing the synagogue and reads from a scroll containing the words of another ancient Jewish prophet, Isaiah.  Jesus, in front of His peers, lays out his manifesto.  He makes the claim to be the Christ and at the same time declares that He is here for the little guys.  He tells the listening crowd that He is here for those who face injustice.  

‘The Spirit of the Lord is on Me,

because He has anointed Me

to proclaim good news to the poor.

He has sent Me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners

and recovery of sight for the blind,

to set the oppressed free,

to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.’

We, as Christians, want to follow Jesus.  We want to live lives which are all about the things He is all about.  To be honest, this can be tough. The desire to live lives full of justice is difficult in the modern world.  It raises questions such as, how do we live justly within the constructs of globalisation? How do we consume commodities in ethical, and just, and loving ways? We want our whole lives to do that and Oikos Coffee is one tiny bit of that.  We want the coffee we drink as a church to be good news to the poor and create a more just world.


But it's also more than that.  Hopefully it's also a conversation starter.  We want to talk about this story of a God of justice.  A God who cares about all of us.  We want to use our lives to be storytellers and share the story of God at work in both the grand story of history and the intimacy of our individual stories too.  Its simply too good a story not to tell.

Below are some videos and articles which tell a bit more of this story.  We also have the stories connected to each of our handcrafted roasts.  Hopefully all of this is part of us telling the big story of God.  The story of a God who is in the business of redemption.  The big story of God points to a future where everything has been fixed.  A time when justice flows like a river and there are no more tears and no more pain. We want to live lives which point towards that story, a story of justice. 


And maybe over a cup of coffee we get to tell that story.

we believe in stories, justice and coffee

we believe in stories

we believe in justice

we believe in coffee

our roasts

click on the one of the labels below for the full story of that roast and some more in-depth tasting notes

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